Neurasoft Cashbook Utility
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Task-Based Help

The Task-Based Help is your gateway to key task-based articles about the Neurasoft Cashbook Import Utility.

NOTE: If a feature appears in the Help but not in your version of the Cashbook Utility please upgrade to the latest version of the application. Upgrade

Process My Bank Statement

Describes the steps to follow each time you process your Bank Statement.

Manage Companies

Provides information on Linking, editing and deleting companies.

Manage Bank Accounts

Provides information on Creating, editing and deleting bank accounts.

Transaction Processing

Detailed steps on how to process transactions.

Import the Bank Statement

Detailed steps on how to import transactions from a custom import file.

Delete Statement Transactions

Detailed steps on how to delete imported transactions.

Custom Import Layout

Detailed steps on how to import transactions from a custom import file.

Screen Shots

Various screenshots of the Cashbook Utility.

© 2008 Neurasoft (Pty) Ltd.
All rights reserved
Revision 2